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Ethernet on stm32f767 For Dummies



I have a background in electrical engineering but am a complete beginner with embedded engineering. I've bought two nucleo f767zi boards with the goal to send information between them using Ethernet with the built in rj45 port. 

My goal right now is to utilize the built in user button to light a LED on the other board. Once i get a working initial code ill be able to build on it from there. However, im struggling a lot to even get the initial code working. I'm using the stm32cube and after a lot of reading i've decided to go for FREErtos(cmsis V2) and lwip using the netconn API (although raw would work as well). 

The two boards will utilize the same code but i will manually comment out one of these two lines (743 or 744) in the code before flashing the boards.





My problem right now is that the code leaves the ping_thread after this line and do not seem to come back no matter if i press the button. (line 601)

semaphore_status = xSemaphoreTake(xSemaphoreButton, portMAX_DELAY);


I'm assuming this is trivial things that i've yet to understand. I'll post my code bellow, which im sure is full of multiple errors and unnecessary lines.

Any help, big or small, will be greatly appreciated.

My main.c