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Ethernet can not get ip when used with RTOS



We are trying to build a custom board to connect to AWS IoT over Ethernet. We have started working on NUCLEO-F429 board before designing our custom board. I am using the CubeMX configurator to create a project.

The problem is, the lwIP works very well if I run the application in standalone(NO FREERTOS). I just add Ethernet and lwIP and then I can see the DHCP packets on WireShark and then I can ping the board from my pc.

But we need to run it on FreeRTOS. If I just add FreeRTOS to the project using the CubeMX, it does not send the DHCP requests so it can not get ip. I don't know what the problem is. Can you please help me with this? I can send you my project or ioc file if you want. But it is basically the default configuration that CubeMX creates when I pick up the NUCLEO-F429 board. I think there is something wrong with CubeMX's generated files when we use the FreeRTOS.

Best Regards,
