2021-07-12 7:01 AM
Hello everyone, I'm trying to do an erase command for 2 pages but it accepts the command with an ack but after that nothing happens and the bootloader nacks all other commands I waited at least 40 seconds after the erase command but no ack or nack. Anyone have an idea why I don't get anything back not even nack? chip is a stm32f030c8t6 photo below shows the ack return
thank you.
2021-07-12 8:07 AM
Custom board? Perhaps it loses power or gets reset during the process.
2021-07-12 9:35 AM
stm32 uart boot loader protocol https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/cd00264342-usart-protocol-used-in-the-stm32-bootloader-stmicroelectronics.pdf
Should be sending
44 BB
00 01 00 3E 00 3F 00
2021-07-12 10:59 AM
oh no such a stupid mistake of course it should be
44 BB
00 01 00 3E 00 3F 00
i misread the documentation a little bit.
I changed the mistake and it runs first try thanks for pointing it out!
2021-07-12 11:07 AM
The lack of response is indicative that the loader is waiting for additional data to get to the point where it gets a checksum or additional field(s)