2013-03-01 3:41 PM
embKernel is a new project which tries to provide an RTOS, TCP/IP, USB, DRIVERS, LIBRARIES,... from a single source. The C++ source code is available at: . For the time being examples running on the STM32F4DISCOVERY + DM-STF4BB Base Board and one for the SM32F3DISCOVERY board are available. For instruction and description see the wiki pages on the sourceforge site (). For the lazy one a zip file with precompiled binaries is also available on SF site.Regards,Ravaz #tcp/ip #ftp #me-too #usb #rtos #http #websocket #fat2013-04-30 8:46 AM
Using C++ with FreeRTOS is a pain. But you make valid points
I would also like to see some performance figures. Both CooCox and ChibiOS publish performance figures on common ST parts.I also could not find a PDF or HTML API reference documentation.2013-04-30 11:47 AM
Those are the main differences I see compared with other RTOS.
The API documentation is my next priority if I see some interest on the project, same for the performance figures which in any case should not differ much from other RTOS.
2013-05-09 2:46 PM
I just uploaded new binaries on the SF page. The new binaries improve the capabilities of the smt32f3discovery example. As shown on the image below it is now possible to plot the data coming from the on boards accelerometer with the PC application through USB.
Please check the SF wiki page (http://sourceforge.net/p/embkernel/wiki/Home/
) for more information on how to run the examples.2013-07-13 4:05 PM
I've uploaded new demo file on the SF page which implement an FTP and HTTP server for the stm32f4discovery demo.
2013-11-23 4:58 PM
Embkernel now implements WCID usb driver installation (see
) to automate the driver installation on windows. The stm32f3discovery example is using this functionality.2013-12-21 5:25 PM
Websocket (
) has been implemented on embkernel. The stm32f4discovery-demo binary is now bundled with a small webapge which make use of it.