2011-11-25 5:03 PM
I am trying to use my new stm32f4-discovery board with the above DfuSe boot-loader. This loader worked OK with a previous ST ARM device the STM32F103. It now only seems to program a few hundred bytes of the pre-compiled applications (.dfu files). If I upload the data back, I can see the software title and a few more bytes as shown in this text output from the basic application:
DfuSe&&sharp1;&&sharp29;&&sharp1;&&sharp1;Target&&sharp1;Internal Flash 07_DBManta_Discovery_KitFIRMWAREProjectDemonstrationBinarySTM32F4-Discovery_Demonstration_V1.0.0.dfu!&&sharp17;?�&&sharp4;&&sharp26;&&sharp1;UFD&&sharp16;4*�AIf I try and load the audio application I get this:DfuSe&&sharp1;&&sharp29;&&sharp1;&&sharp1;Target&&sharp1;Internal Flash 07_DBManta_Discovery_KitFIRMWAREProjectAudio_playback_and_recordBinarySTM32F4-Discovery_Audio_IntFLASH.dfu!&&sharp17;?�&&sharp4;&&sharp26;&&sharp1;UFD&&sharp16;J♯?mCan anyone tell me what might be stopping the full download? The loader says it has been successful and verified OK.Tony #bootloader-rom #stm32f4-discovery #dfuse-dfu-usb-winxp-win72011-11-27 6:56 AM
Answering my own post:
The problem is not understood, but now fixed. I hadn't realised that the Discoveryboard is even better value for money in that it has an embedded ST-linkinterface (you normally have to buy a separate dongle). I was trying to use theST .dfu file load tool which I have used before with the STM32F103, which shouldhave worked according to the documentation but didn't. So I downloaded the STM32ST-LINK utility from ST, and once I had the correct ST link usb driver installed, Iwas able to connect to the board with the mini usb socket and download the pre-compiled audioapplication.Tony2012-02-26 7:41 AM
DFU mode actually works but we have not been able to use the DFUdemo either, but.. the DFUtester was able to flash the DFU file and it worked well.
Antti2012-04-10 3:49 PM