2013-04-19 12:23 AM
I'm trying to use the DfuSe Demo (v3.0.3) to program the STM32 on an STM3240G-EVAL board. When I click ''Upgrade'' in the tool it works as long as I do not select ''Verify after download'' or click the ''Verify'' button.I'm running 64-bit Windows 7 Proffessional.When I click ''Verify'', the Dfuse Demo application crashes and a ''DfuSe Demo has stopped working'' dialog is displayed with the following detailed information:----------Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: DfuSeDemo.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 4ecd2975 Fault Module Name: StackHash_427e Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.17725 Fault Module Timestamp: 4ec49b8f Exception Code: c0000374 Exception Offset: 000ce6c3 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1053 Additional Information 1: 427e Additional Information 2: 427e33db81e067f5c132bd61e44036e8 Additional Information 3: dfff Additional Information 4: dfff3649a8f15f879c998a2d67599592----------I desperately need to be able to upgrade device firmware over USB.What can I do to make this work?/Mattias #stm32-dfuse-verify2013-04-21 07:55 AM
Dear Mattias,
Thanks for the valuable post. We confirm that issue with some PC configuration working on Win7 (x64) versions. This is due to link of some DLLs with static memory in Windows7 x64 that are cleaned/free but in another one is still being used. we will fix that issue in our version 3.0.4 that will support also Win8 (x64 and x86). Cheers, STOne-32.2013-06-14 09:10 AM
Any idea when v3.0.4 will be released?
Thanks2013-07-08 03:27 PM
My company is also held up by this issue. Would highly appreciate an estimate relese date for 3.0.4 , or a Beta version.
Thanks2013-07-08 04:10 PM
Works with Win7 x642013-07-08 04:23 PM
Thank you clive1, I downloaded 3.0.2 and unfortunately it does not have the command line tool that we need. The command line tool crashes with the same error (''DfuSe Application has stopped responding) when we try to download or upload.
2014-01-20 05:32 AM
I am also using DfuSe tool to update my STM32 FW. Version 3.0.3 also crashes but I also do have problem with Version 3.0.2. Verification always reports me a mismatch on the first Address. The DFU FW running on my target device is the unchanged package ''stsw-stm32121''. Any hint on this problem?
Thanks in advance2014-01-20 08:44 AM
I and my colleagues have had success with 3.0.2 on numerous Win7 x64 system, perhaps there are some other dependencies, or issues related to the size of the image being flashed. The 3.0.3 release did break on these same systems.
I've not seen any updates, so I'll kick the moderator and see if we can get this resolved.2014-12-26 07:42 AM
kiepfer.martin: I was in the same trouble for a long time (you can see my question post in ''STM32L1xx DFU bootloader in FLASH memory problems'' thread)
, and I was waiting for DfuSe v3.0.4 release hoping it would solve the problem, but it didn't. Today I examined the source code for mcu side of DFU more closely and found the error. In flash_if.c file FLASH_If_Write function you have to make this change on commented line: // if (malPointer < ((uint32_t *)MAL_Buffer + DataLength)) if (malPointer < ((uint32_t *)MAL_Buffer + DataLength / 4)) othervise it will write erroneous data to FLASH due to wrong copied data from DFU PC application (Instead of zeroes for are where nothing should be written, some data from previous image are written, so actual image is written with errors on the its beginning). I hope this can help to somebody...2015-05-21 02:42 AM
I am having the same problem you described. However, your fix did not resolve the issue. I am only having this issue with the L152x board. The Dfuse program is still reporting a mis-match while verifying the write was correct. Did you change anything else in the FLASH_If_Write function?