2013-11-04 9:54 AM
I have to write a Flash tool for the STM32 Family via USB. So I have tu use DfuSe API. I found the demo DfuSeDemo where everything works fine (the button ''Leave DFU mode'' too). Now I ported the code step by step in an own Windows console tool. But currently I have a problem on the operation OPERATION_RETURN. Function STDFUPRT_GetOperationStatus always retruns the Context.ErrorCode = STDFUPRT_UNEXPECTEDERROR. I already read the user manual UM0384 but did not found any hints. I checked the device name, the content of the image and the content of the mapping between both tools but I cannot find a difference. Has anybody an idea where is my mistake? Here is my code: lstrcpy (Context.szDevLink, szDeviceName_l); Context.DfuGUID = GUID_DFU; Context.AppGUID = GUID_APP; Context.Operation = OPERATION_RETURN; STDFUFILES_CreateImageFromMapping (&hImage, pStdfuMapping_l + 0); STDFUFILES_SetImageName (hImage, (LPSTR)(LPCSTR) pStdfuMapping_l->Name); STDFUFILES_FilterImageForOperation (hImage, pStdfuMapping_l + 0, OPERATION_RETURN, FALSE); Context.hImage = hImage; dwRes = STDFUPRT_LaunchOperation (&Context, &dwOperationCode_l); if (dwRes == STDFUPRT_NOERROR) { do { Sleep (100); STDFUPRT_GetOperationStatus (dwOperationCode_l, &CheckContext); if (CheckContext.ErrorCode != STDFUPRT_NOERROR) { ... break; } else {...
break; } } while (1); } #dfuse-v3.0.0 #stm32 #stm32-usb