2018-03-23 6:19 PM
I enable Ethernet in RMII mode, tried PHY address 0 and 1, Ienable FreeRTOS, automatically configure clock, etc. I set breakpoints (SW4STM32) and program waits in lwip's 'accept' function, the one that waits for connection. So it looks like some problem with ETH configuration, as I should see the board under local IP, I point browser to port 80, etc. (I'm using simple http server code from here:
).I just want few basic directions on this. Otherwise I doubt if I receive answer. I'm sure my actions are close to correct, I just need to catch some wrong action, probably on ETH hardware.
Best regards,
#freertos+tcp2018-04-01 1:33 PM
Thanks, this helped. I've spotted other thing. I'm changing configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE in FreeRTOS configuration, and when I set it to 30 kB, then led blinks fast. When I set it to 128 kB, led blinks slow. Blinking is done in following way: http thread runs, receives */led1 url, toggles led. Browser sees connection reset and reconnects few times, thus the blinking. This looks like the thread, or the board, is slower with bigger heap of the FreeRTOS task (typical single 'default' task from examples)?
PS. I've had lwip memory debugging enabled, that was the cause, sorry.