2020-07-05 1:38 AM
Which clock is used for clocking the OTG_HS and its USB_OTG_EMBEDDED_PHY while in FS mode? Is it Fvco / PLLQ?
2020-07-05 2:03 AM
It's not very clear from the RM, but most of the OTG modules runs probably out of the AHB clock, with only a synchronizer/interface portion running at the PHY clock, which comes, as you've said, from Q output of PLL (aka 48MHz clock).
Don't enable the ULPI clock in RCC. Note, that it's enabled by default in the LP version of enable registers.
2020-07-05 5:48 AM
In external PHY mode, PLLQ isn't needed at all, so unlikely that the peripheral is using this clock.