2020-05-14 5:43 AM
We have an application that's currently using a USB BC1.2 IC to enumerate a charge condition (CDP) between a USB-u sinking host and a sourcing device. We're looking to add an IC between the existing circuit acting as the sourcing device and a USB-C device that would allow for the USB-C device to become the sinking DFP. If the USB-C peripheral starts out as a sinking UFP and initiates a DR_SWAP command, will the STUSB4761 be able to complete the sequence for the data role swap and allow the USB-C peripheral to act as a sinking DFP? Can this be done with only the STUSB4761, without the need for any other external memory, MUX, etc?
2020-05-14 7:26 AM
If STUSB4761 receives DR_SWAP from th SINK, it will accept it and will swap datarole in its capabilities.
2020-10-30 11:50 PM
Hi SDick.1
Have you checked this functionality by STUSB4761 as we also want to use this chipset in same type of application ?
Device mode with source power to other device .
2020-11-01 6:09 AM
Our application required the opposite of what you're asking, but I would imagine this IC would provide the handshake needed if what you're connecting to already has the capability to do so on its end.
2020-11-01 11:21 PM
By default stusb4761 accepts all DR_swap messages.
Thus it becomes a sourcing UFP for the counterpart.