2021-07-18 7:59 PM
hi, In final end product we can't use the programmer for firmware update or upload the new program to chip . We need easy solution that compiled program in binary file has to be programmed in chip from SD card or USB Pendrive . In filed very difficult upload the program by programmer(link) device .
1.how to change the boot loader sequence by fuse setting or special code has to be crated for sd card program loading ?
2.incase of special code has to be written - please help us share sd boot :).
the above query is for mainly STM32F072VBT6 & STM32F103RBT6
2021-07-18 11:24 PM
The stm32 builtin bootloader (the one that comes with every chip and cannot be erased)
Has a lot of options for the source of the data including USB ,UART, I2C, SPI, CANBUS.....
So you could Programm your chip with CUBEprogrammer just using your PC's USB(host) port and the builtin ST bootloader USB (device)
For the SD card option you would need to make your own bootloader i believe.
2021-07-19 5:54 AM
You'd need to write a custom boot loader of you own, the ROM based loader doesn't support SPI/SDIO connected cards, or FatFs to pull data.
For a USB stick you'd need a part and drivers to support a MSC USB Host. There should be some examples of this type of firmware upgrade method with the STM32F407-DISCO.
Such a loader won't be particularly small.