2019-12-18 1:16 AM
There are a couple of inconsistencies in AN4826.
First one that has been repeated in other posts is that there is a bug in the bootloader and BOOT0 pin's state is actually irrelevant as it always boots from BOOT_ADD0 anyway.
So the select BOOT_ADDx based on BOOT0 pin does not exist. Also there seems to be a footnote missing there.
Second one is that in Figure 9 it says that when nDBOOT=0 it will boot from RAM if boot address is in RAM however in Figure 10 this points to a state which says "Jump to AXIM-Flash base address 0x0800 0000"
Another question that I have is whether the following statement is correct
"nWRP[i] bit is write protection bit for sector(2*i) and sector (2*i+1)"
Is that the intention. I was thinking that maybe we may want to write protect respective sectors in both banks so sector 0 and 12 together, 1 and 13 etc.
Can someone from ST please confirm?
Thank you.