2020-02-06 2:22 PM
@Imen DAHMEN ,
Can please the following items be considered for future versions of AN2606:
Also, related to the last item, please add to *all* RMs which go into bootloader when in pristine state, into the GPIO chapter, link to AN2606, to the discussion of the pullups. Rationale is, that this has to be taken into account at desiging hardware around these mcus, as at the first powerup in these STM32 models the GPIOs don't behave exactly according to the description in the GPIO chapter (i.e. they are not entirely inert digital or analog inputs as expected upon reading the GPIO chapter), and this may have catastrophic effects. Moreover, users who don't want to use the bootloader, are not to be expected to go and study AN2606 without being explicitly directed there from the RM.
2020-02-07 6:45 AM
Hi Jan,
The reported items are raised internally to the appropriate team for enhancement.
Thanks and Best Regards,
2020-02-07 7:32 AM
Thanks, Imen.