2022-02-07 9:25 AM
I use the STLINK-V3MINI in combination with STM32CubeIDE and STM32G4x µC. With SWV a tracing of 2 variables with 20kHz is possible without data loss.
What are the limitations of the STLINK-V3MINI, and what justifies the purchase of an expensive debugger? - Is logging in this frequency range possible with an expensive device?
I refer to the following article which gives a good overview, but I get lost in the amount of possibilities.
Does anyone have experience with this topic?
2022-02-27 1:48 AM
The spi mode going to external DAC or LED strip is probably scalable too
2022-02-27 3:56 AM
Use a logic analyser to enabke data decoding from spi or fmc or qspi and put into a log file if needed.