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Use ST/LINK as standard SWD/JTAG Programmer

Associate III

Hi :)

I have a few boards - for example a Nucleo - that all come with a ST-LINK attached. They work great to program any STM32 MCU, but I was wondering if it could be possible to use the ST-LINK as standard SWD/JTAG programmer for other ARM Cortex MCU's?

My particular case is a bluetooth chip from Dialog Semiconductor (DA14531) which should work with any standard JTAG Programmer. It has SWCLK and SWDIO pins.

But the ST-Link do not seem to be recognized by the software provided by Dialog Semi.

Thank you



considering troubleshooting and support...

I am not sure I understand... ?

"standard JTAG Programmer"

Whatever that means. Not really a generic class.

The CMSIS-DAP would be relatively broad/generic, you could get access to the core, but you'd need scripts or software to manage peripherals mapped into the address space of the core.

"But the ST-Link do not seem to be recognized by the software provided by Dialog Semi."

Yes, well they probably don't provide the right driver/dll support to make that happen. The Internal Flash memories tend to be vendor unique.

ST's utilities checks for ST product ID's

Have your Dialog Semi generate BIN or HEX files, use a Segger J-Link that has support for the parts you want to use.

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Thanks for the reply clive,my knowledge about JTAG/SWD is quite limited. The support from Dialog Semi told me that "any external JTAG interface" (their words) would work with it. So I expect it to be a standard?

I already have BIN/HEX files and a development environment to compile code, so that is not a problem. The issue is to upload to the board.

But then if you say a "Segger J-Link" would work, is there not a way to reprogram an STM32 or an ST-Link to "be" a Segger J-Link?

For example using this and compiling it for an STM32?

If the product malfunction, who will support?

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

Stlinkv3 explicit rejects non-ST MCUs. To talk via SWD and and STlinkV2 to a non-ST MCU, use e.g. pyOcd, OpenOcd or Bl*ckm*g*c PC-hosted.Broadest MCU support is prpbably with OpenOCD, at the expense for the need for the usage of several configuration files.

I was not thinking of an "official" solution but a community one ;)

Thank you for the reply. I do not know OpenOCD, but I have a feeling this is just a debugger tool and will not replace the hardware, correct? At least the info I found of people using it with STM32 still use the ST-Link.