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Trying to bypass STLINK/V2-1 on board of NUCLEO_F030R8 and program by external ST-LINK/V2 ISOL

Associate II


I am a PowerTrain Electronics Hardware Architect by profession.

For one of my new hobby electronics developement I decided to use STM32 micro controller.

To start with I bought NUCLEO_F030R8 and able to blink on board LED as I program. 

Then I tried to program on board micro controller with my ST-LINK/V2 ISOL. I disconnected both jumpers at CN2. Tapped out SWCLK of target controller from pin 2 of CM6. Then tapped out SWDIO from pin 4 of CN6. I took 3.3V and GND from CN6 pins 4 and 6 respectively. I connected these four wires to ST-LINK/V2 ISOL as in the image 


In Debug configurations of CubeIDE, ST-LINK/V2 ISOL is founf with SWD setting. But when I try to program I get error message as target not found.

What am I missing here? Is the reset is mishandked by onboard programmer? Should I take care of this and few others?

Thank you, Anesh S. 



As you mentioned O have changed the SWD connections to C7. But I have not used correct GND pin from STLINK-V2/ISOL. I wrongly connected Pin 19 of STLINK-V2/ISOL which is NC. I changed GND to Pin 18 and now I am able to program the Nucleo board with STLINK-V2/ISOL.


Now I can confifently proveed my own hardwrae design with STM32 micro controllers with SWD port for programming and debugging.

I request ST to provide a connector/Cable for STLINK-V2/ISOL to easilz connect SWD pins alone to the target board.

Thank you so much, With best regards, Anesh S.