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STM32F373CCT6 power supply question


found that the VDDSD pin is in the state of 2.5V during the test, when I removed the stm32f373 from the PCB, the voltage at the pad is 3.3v ,but when I soldered the chip back on, it was about 2.5V again,I would appreciate it if you could help




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Review the PCB net list, check naming and islands on non-connectivity.

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ok,I've edited my post


Verify part orientation. Pin 1 is bottom left when text is oriented normally.

If that's not it, try shorting R2. Those nets (VSS/VSSA) should be tied directly. Similarly try shorting L1. VDDA should be supplied before or at the same time as VDD.

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I swapped the inductance and resistance to 0 ohms, and it still didn't work