2023-09-07 5:44 AM
I am trying to measure the current consumption the PCB board which has been designed and producted by my own R&D team. But the discovery card named STLink-V3PWR is not doing it properly. There is no way for me to apply more than 500 mA, besides the graph on the application named STM32CubeMonitor-Power-v1.2.1 also does not show me that value but the report we have by clicking on show all button says that it is 80360 uA at the max and 41606,376 uA at avarage. Can you guide me to use both the discovery card and application properly to solve the issue?
The SS that includes the graph, error and report is attached below.
Thanks in advance!
2023-09-08 6:05 AM
Maybe you can find some info here: https://community.st.com/t5/stm32cubemonitor-mcus/stlink-v3pwr-and-stm32cubemonitor-power-bumpy-ride-where-to-file/m-p/54962. Also, see UM3097 STLINK-V3PWR