2024-08-20 9:17 AM
I have the IDB00BV2 and am using the Keil Uvision_5 tool with the compiler back leveled to version V5. I'm using this board to test software to be run on the BlueMRG-2 running on my product. I have the ST BlueNRG-1_2 DB32.3 Project software installed for the KEIL MDK. I also have the STLINK V/2 connected to the board for programming and debug purposes
I have the following questions:
The board is supposed to come preloaded with running software that will on power up connect to a remote Bluetooth device such as an Iphone. This does not appear to be working as I have multiple Blue tooth devices that do not see the board advertising.
Second- The IDB00BV2 does not show up as any of the boards in the KEIL packs. Which Board should I select as the running board?
Third - Which processor should I use for the MDK? Right now I have selected the STM32F030C6Tx is that OK?
Appreciate any help or insight that can be offered.