2025-01-26 1:25 PM - last edited on 2025-02-14 1:45 AM by Amel NASRI
I have this board with STM32L4R9 and I used CubeMX and Unico-GUI tools to generate a decision tree for MLC in .ucf format. I used a python script to convert this to C uint8_t array as follows:
2025-02-14 7:44 AM
Hi @bigcoronagigachad ,
We suggest to use MEMS Studio instead of Unico.
We see no errors in the code, you could convert the UCF using the “C code generation” function of Unico (or better MEMS Studio).
Also, can you in general read and write? For example, can you read the who am I? Can you turn on the accelerometer and read the data?
To read 0x70 (MLC0_SRC), are you first writing 0x01 to 0x80 to get access to that register? And then you reset it to 0x00 after doing the read to restore access to the main registers?