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Missing PG11 on Nucleo UM2581 Board

Associate II

Hi All,

Is there an errata for the STM32L5 Nucleo board?

I need to use the SPI on port G which requires PG11 for SPI MOSI.

However in the schematic for the board, PG11 is missing from the schematic symbol (see page 3) and there is a gap.  The pin numbers in the symbol keep incrementing though.


PG11 Missing.png

PG11 is also missing from the Nucleo Pinout table (page 39).




In the STM32L552xx datasheet (page 86), PG11 is assigned 126.



Thank you


Accepted Solutions

Same Data Sheet, different page

Not sure of the SPI options on GPIOG. If other option aren't available you'll need to bit-bang the interface.

ST is known for making a lot of unhelpful choices with their pin mux/escape strategy.

Perhaps don't use -Q parts for your designs, and find other break-out options 

Perhaps look at NUCLEO-L4R5ZI rather than NUCLEO-L4R5ZI-P

Check the STM32L45ZI vs STM32L522ZE pin outs.

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View solution in original post


You need to look at the -Q (SMPS) device, it's apt to have moved the pins around.


You're looking / comparing the Wrong part. The Q parts cause all manner of pin compatibility headaches

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Associate II

Hi Tesla DeLorean,


Thank you for the fast reply! 
I see your point about the Q part and that I was looking at the wrong datasheet.  Many Thanks.



Does this mean that the PG11 pin isn't accessible in the Q package?  Or is there another way to access the SPI MOSI on Port G? 

The motivation for wanting to use the Port G SPI is to have SPI at a different voltage with VDDIO2.


Thank you.

Same Data Sheet, different page

Not sure of the SPI options on GPIOG. If other option aren't available you'll need to bit-bang the interface.

ST is known for making a lot of unhelpful choices with their pin mux/escape strategy.

Perhaps don't use -Q parts for your designs, and find other break-out options 

Perhaps look at NUCLEO-L4R5ZI rather than NUCLEO-L4R5ZI-P

Check the STM32L45ZI vs STM32L522ZE pin outs.

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Associate II

Thank you Tesla DeLorean,


Appreciate the feedback.  Normally we use the non-Q version in our custom boards, however we were looking to prototype a new design and thought we could get to the testing phase extremely quick with a simple shield and a Nucleo.  Doesn't look like this is the case though.

Appreciate your very fast replies!


Take care,