2019-07-10 9:40 PM
I am requesting for to create an working environment for the STM32F7 in ubuntu16.04
2019-07-10 9:52 PM
I did not get what you actually want, but if your are looking advices to how to start writing program and sending it to the stm32 then,
You indeed asking for an IDE(Integrated Development Environment) and my advice would be STM32CUBE IDE, it is ST's product and supports all boards, mpus from ST. Just download the setup file for linux and see some tutorials on youtube about CUBE IDE.
I might be totally misunderstood you, anyway good luck.
Edit : https://www.google.com/amp/s/blog.st.com/stm32cubeide-free-ide/amp/
2019-07-10 10:35 PM
Thank you for the response.
I am interested to work using command line without IDE (like using make files). Is it possible to do like that?
Thank you
2019-07-10 10:48 PM
I don't know without a third party application how you can load your program to the microcontroller board.
2019-07-10 10:56 PM
Thank you yusuf, we have to use third party applications. Do u have any idea on those applications?
Thank you
2019-07-10 11:58 PM
Either I cannot get your purpose or I don't know enough to answer you. I will continue by assuming you are a more starter than me ( because I really am ) . If you think that you are asking something requires professional help, about an advanced topic, please stop reading and wait for the others to answer.
In the IDE's there are lots of documents on a project folder created automaticaly when you start a project and I don't actually know why some of them are there for. But as I use IDE's, I just know which are libraries and .h or .c files and then don't concern about restings like startup.s file etc.