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ST25R3911B can read User ID/NFC ID but does not show the Card Data

Associate II


This may be a newbie question as I'm very new to RFID tags/readers.

I used one of the example codes for ST25R3911B. I am able to read the User ID/NFC ID but it doesn't show the Card Data. I'm not sure what kind of data to expect from the card but one of the requirements that I have is to be able to read the "Card Data".

May I know if ST25R3911B is capable of reading the RFID Card Data?

Thank you very much for your help.

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Hi cluelezz,

The responsibility of the RFAL higher layer is to discover/anticollide tags. Reading data from it is the responsibility of the layers above. We are providing examples implementing reading/writing of NDEF from the tags mentioned by Brian. This is for example done in the ST25 Embedded NFC lib examples.  The Polling TagDetect does not really care about data on the tags.

Also for many tags it is not well-defined (e.g. proprietary or non-existant) how to read its data or is done in some other protocols (proprietary, CCC, EMVCo, passport, ....)

BR, Ulysses

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ST Employee


the ST25R3911B reader supports NFC-A, NFC-B, NFC-F, NFC-V and ST25TB technologies and therefore is able to read data from T1T, T2T (e.g. ST25TN tags), T3T, T4AT (e.g. ST25TA tags), T4BT,  T5T (e.g. ST25TV and ST25DV tags) and ST25TB tags. In a nutshell, all NFC Forum tags can be read by the ST25R3911B. 

Which example code/demo have you used? What was the output on the serial console? Which tags have been used during your tests?



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Hi Brian,

Thank you very much for your response and apologies for the very late response as I had to look into a more urgent issue.

I am using the demo code STM32F401RE-Nucleo_PollingTagDetect from en.x-cube-nfc5. It may be because I do not know which variable from the structure I should be reading them so I can only retrieve the ID now from nfcDevice->nfcid. I checked its structure and it isn't very obvious on where the card data may have been saved. Is it being saved on this structure?

typedef struct{
rfalNfcDevType type; /*!< Device's type */
union{ /* PRQA S 0750 # MISRA 19.2 - Members.....t be used concurrently, only one technology at a time */
rfalNfcaListenDevice nfca; /*!< NFC-A Listen Device instance */
rfalNfcbListenDevice nfcb; /*!< NFC-B Listen Device instance */
rfalNfcfListenDevice nfcf; /*!< NFC-F Listen Device instance */
rfalNfcvListenDevice nfcv; /*!< NFC-V Listen Device instance */
rfalSt25tbListenDevice st25tb; /*!< ST25TB Listen Device instance*/
}dev; /*!< Device's instance */

uint8_t *nfcid; /*!< Device's NFCID */
uint8_t nfcidLen; /*!< Device's NFCID length */
rfalNfcRfInterface rfInterface; /*!< Device's interface */

union{ /* PRQA S 0750 # MISRA 19.2 - Members of the... be used concurrently, only one protocol at a time */
rfalIsoDepDevice isoDep; /*!< ISO-DEP instance */
rfalNfcDepDevice nfcDep; /*!< NFC-DEP instance */
}proto; /*!< Device's protocol */

Thank you very much for your help.

Hi cluelezz,

The responsibility of the RFAL higher layer is to discover/anticollide tags. Reading data from it is the responsibility of the layers above. We are providing examples implementing reading/writing of NDEF from the tags mentioned by Brian. This is for example done in the ST25 Embedded NFC lib examples.  The Polling TagDetect does not really care about data on the tags.

Also for many tags it is not well-defined (e.g. proprietary or non-existant) how to read its data or is done in some other protocols (proprietary, CCC, EMVCo, passport, ....)

BR, Ulysses

Hi Ulysses,

Thank you for your insights. I will work it out.
