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How to launch properly application to read NFC tag with an NFC03A1 nucleo attached to a NUCLEO F091RC ?

Associate II


I am trying to read some NFC tag with a X-NUCLEO-NFC03A1 attached to a NUCLEO F091RC board. I am a beginner into those technology, so basically I was trying to load the sample "NFC Detect " from the package "X-CUBE-NFC3" wich can be found on ST official website to understand how to use NFC stuff. The problem is, I tried to build the project on the STM32 IDE Cube, and it worked fine, but i can't read anything on the NFC NUcleo's antenna after running the programm.

I suppose there are problems of initialisation , but i have no idea how to debug this.

Thanks you for your time,

Best Regards,


ST Employee

Hi Karim,

you can also format ST25TV or ST25DV tags through the NDEF demo (menu 4 of the demo).



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Associate II

Hello Ulysses and Brian,

Thanks you for your fast answers, I wasn't able to answer back until now because of COVID-19. I'm ready to continue then :

I download the ST25 application. I am using 2 differents NFC device :

  • A standard NFC type 2 tag ISO 14443A. I can write and read on it from the application. As you can see below, it looks like a CC file has been created when i write a simple NDEF message on it :


The Ndef message i wrote on it :


The CC file create automatically I suppose, because I didn't do it manually


At the moment, I have the famous error 5 with this one too.

In my final application, I will have to read data on the M24LR64E-R, made by ST too.

Indeed here, there is no CC file created (i didn't wrote on it).



Maybe you could explain me how to create CC file ?

Thanks you both for your help and reactivity,

Best Regards,


At the moment the demo do not let me choices, I can only do the first option (1. Tap a tag to read its content)

Best rgds,


Hi Karim,

press the user button (blue button) to cycle among the various choices as explain in the user manual UM2045.



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ST Employee

Hi Karim,

for the M24LR, you can either format it with the X-CUBE-NFC3 ndef_demo (press the blue button until menu 4 is displayed) or you can format it through the Android app (write an NDEF on this tag).

For the T2T tag, can you dump the contain of the tag memory and provide to us for analysis?




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Hello BRIAN,

We are advancing forward with the M24LR ! ��

I can format it like you explained to me , by using the application :


Then when I try to read it, the NDEF status looks ok :


Then, I tried to write from the application an NDEF message, a simple text, but when i try to read it throug the application, it doesn't work again :


But when I try to write from the app and to read it, it looks to works :


Do you have any ideas why i can't read NDEF message i would insert from the app ?

For the memory of the T2T tag, here it is :


Thanks you for your time and you help again,

Best regards,


ST Employee

Hi Karim,

the content of the T2T tag memory is incorrect at address 16. Please try to write 03 00 FE 00 in this block with the Android app and retry to perform NDEF read and NDEF write from X-CUBE-NFC3 STM32 application.



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Hi Brian,

You were right ! I don't understand why, but i just change the adress memory like you told me, and then the NDEF status has changed when I am trying to read it from  X-CUBE-NFC3 STM32 application:0693W000000UWCsQAO.jpg

And now it's an protocol error wich is coming according to the returned integer :


I will have to change an another parameter i guess .

Sorry for my last message, after reading back myself I wasn't very clear :

I wanted to mean, I can write and read properly from X-CUBE-NFC3 STM32 application, but i can't read NDEF message on X-CUBE-NFC3 STM32 application that I wrote from Android application. After studies, I think when I write ndef message from android app, the M24 is formatted again, so it can't be read from X-CUBE-NFC3 STM32 application (with good format)

Thanks you again a lot for your great help and reactivity.

Best regards,


Ok my bad for the second part, finally after formating from X PACKAGE application, i can write from Android app, and read the message on X PACKAGE ! ��

ST Employee

Hi Karim,

I am a little bit lost as issues with T2T and issues with T5T are mixed.

Regarding the T2T issue: a Control Lock TLV was present in the tag (01 03 A0 0C 34) . This feature is not supported as of today by the current NDEF stack and therefore the tag was rejected. That's why I've suggested to replace this with the NDEF TLV (03 00) followed by the terminator TLV. Can you share the tag model and tag manufacturer?

Regarding the M24LR (T5T), can you dump the memory contain when you have an issue?




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