2018-06-07 3:16 AM
I am using the code supplied by ST for the X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1, with a different processor (STM32L031) than on the demo NUCLEO board, to control the ST25R3911 with ISO15693.
This code comes from the example STM32CubeExpansion_NFC5_v1.0.0.
Seems I have something wrong because I always get the error ERR_IO when trying to detect a tag.
Comments in code say:
/* REMARK: Silicon workaround ST25R3911 Errata &sharpTBD */ /* ST25R3911 may indicate RXE without RXS previously, this happens upon some */ /* noise or incomplete byte frames with less than 4 bits */ /*******************************************************************************/I haven't been able to figure out why I get this error so far, although if I plug directly the demo board processor to my RFID reader board with SPI bus + IRQ signal, everything works fine.
With my board, RFAL initialisation works fine, it seems my controller communicates well with the RFID reader, but then I get this error. The antenna seems to emit the right signal too.
Any help would be welcome
#iso15693 #st25r3911b #st25r3911b-discoSolved! Go to Solution.
2018-06-07 7:46 AM
Seems the clock range is very different in the microcontroller used for the demo with ST25R3911B.
The default clock configuration I had with my STM32L031 was maybe a bit too slow, in systemclockconfig I set this value and now it works: RCC_OscInitStruct.MSIClockRange = RCC_MSIRANGE_6;
2018-06-07 7:46 AM
Seems the clock range is very different in the microcontroller used for the demo with ST25R3911B.
The default clock configuration I had with my STM32L031 was maybe a bit too slow, in systemclockconfig I set this value and now it works: RCC_OscInitStruct.MSIClockRange = RCC_MSIRANGE_6;