2015-10-29 5:21 AM
I use CR95HF to read/write data to M24LR64E.
I get error 0x87 when I try to write more blocks. Th efollowing sequence: < Write Block 1 (0x0A 0x21 block1 data) > Status ok (0x00 0x78 0xF0 0x00) - delay (it does not metter how big, 50, 100, 500, 1000ms) < Write block 2 (0x0A 0x21 block2 data) > Error CR95HF (0x87 00) < Write block 2 (0x0A 0x21 block2 data) > Error CR95HF (0x87 00) < Write block 2 (0x0A 0x21 block2 data) > Status ok (0x00 0x78 0xF0 0x00) The same problem I get when switching between write & read even if I have enough delay between. - read data - ok - read data - ok - delay (1000ms) - write data - ok - delay (1000ms) - read dada - error - read data - error - .... - read data - ok What happends? Thanks in advance2015-11-13 2:30 AM
can you please provide me some information about your protocol select? Are data written in the memory after error? To be able to read again after error do you have to do new inventory or do you have to reset tag by turning off power?RegardsPetr