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When STC3115 power gauge depicts an incorrect SoC value (remaining charge in battery), showing a value less than the correct one, may STC3115 discharge calculus be artificially forced to a lower discharge rate by changing the declared value of Rsense?


Although for 3 different batteries we managed to get the expected SoC and duration of battery discharge, we are facing difficulties in getting the expected discharge time for a fourth battery type. We followed the same procedure used to characterize the previous batteries, measuring RINT and, estimating CAPACITY by discharging the battery in an electronic load equipment. We checked that the SoC falling rate calculated by the STC3115 for this fourth battery is greater than the expected rate, and tried to adjust this calculus forcing different values of CAPACITY and RINT in ST driver s/w. As we didn´t succeed in lowering this estimated SoC falling rate, we are wondering if a change in the declared value of Rsense could work better (changing the informed value of Rsense in .h file to a value greater than the real one). We look forward to reading your comments.