2017-11-10 12:15 PM
What source file initializes these pins?
2017-11-10 1:03 PM
What exactly are you using, the summary/question lack any context information.
Grep source for '_GPIO'
2017-11-10 5:02 PM
Hi sorry, I am using ST Motor Control Workbench with the Nucleo-F303RE and IHM08M1. As well, I am using IAR workbench.
I know that Control_stage_parameters.h defines all the GPIOs but I can't seem to find the source file that initializes the pins.
2017-11-10 6:55 PM
Probably stm32f3xx_hal_msp.c
2017-11-14 12:18 PM
The Motor Control Example workbench doesn't use stm32f3xx_hal_msp.c
2017-11-14 1:36 PM
And grep or 'Find-in-Files' doesn't get you to HAL_GPIO_Init() ?
If grep of '_GPIO' doesn't show anything, try '_Msp'