2008-09-15 2:25 AM
VNH3SP30 frequency / duty cycle problem
2011-05-17 1:15 AM
Hello everybody,
We're doing some tests with the VNH3SP30 motor driver because the bridge we're using at this moment (LMD18200 from National) doesn't do the trick in a new application. But ..... . I'm having a problem. The sitiuation is like this : I made a small board with the VNH3SP30 on it, and i'm doing some tests on the testing table with a function generator to deliver the PWM signal. Here's the problem: At certain frequencies for example 3KHz i can go to 100% duty cycle, but there's double the current needed (only 800mA) then at 80% duty cycle, the driver heats up, and goes into thermal shutdown. The same thing for a low duty cycle. When i use an extremely low frequency as pwm (100Hz), this doesn't happen. Is this normal behaviour? Has anybody else encountered this? Thanks in advance for your help/remarks Bjorn