2018-07-09 8:00 AM
Posted on July 09, 2018 at 17:00
ithey are from a heat zink on a 24v dc to dc motor control unit made in 2002 by sevcon model mos90b there are 2rows of 6 on the neg 6 input and 6 ouput hi i have found a matching number stp50ne10
2018-07-10 3:44 AM
ithey are from a heat zink...
I guess this is supposed to mean they are mounted on a heat sink.
Could you put a photo of the transistors in (with the type designation readable) in here ?
With the proper name, you could do a search for the datasheet yourself.
2018-07-11 5:17 AM
i have now posted the transistor
2018-07-11 8:02 AM
Don't know this part, and I can't find anything. Perhaps it's a dual-diode ?
I would suggest to post your question to the 'Power Mangement and Motor Control' forum here :
I expect better chances there.
2018-07-12 11:19 PM
I will move it there.
2018-07-13 5:49 AM
I did a google search '32D127 transistor' and it came up with a TIP127 form monarch, newark # 3c0638.
The photo on the data sheet has the markings blacked out, but maybe Monarch can help you confirm it is the replacment
2018-07-14 4:06 AM
Not sure if this is equivalent.
There are several transistors built in a TO220 package, with 127 as part of the type code.
The '32D' seems not to fit ST's naming scheme.
You can try to measure the resistance values between the terminals, which should give you an idea if it's a BJT, a MOSFET, a diode, or fried junk.