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STSPIN840 Motor Current sensing



Working on a project involving the STSPIN840 motor driver connected to a PIC32MK microcontroller,trying to implement current sensing for accurate motor control. The STSPIN840 has the current sensing pins SNSA, SENSEA1, and SENSEA2 for each channel.

I would appreciate any advice on the following points:

Current Sensing Setup: What is the recommended configuration for using these pins to measure the motor current accurately?Screenshot 2024-11-11 170531.png


RSNS = 330 mohm

Connection to ADC: connected the sense pins to the ADC of the PIC32MK. When reading ADC getting current values very high(in 10s of A ) compared to the the motor rated values(<1A)

Are there any particular considerations or issues I should be aware of when interfacing these pins with the microcontroller’s ADC?

Any insights, diagrams, or documentation references would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!