2008-06-19 4:10 AM
Strange Problem with StarterKit ST7
2011-05-17 1:15 AM
I've bought the StarterKit ST7 für driving Brushless DC Motors. Now I've the problem that the sensormode don't work correctly. In the controlpanel the RPM aren't displayed anymore. Also the regulation doesn't work. The sensorlessmode works fine. Also I've controlled the signal of the halls. Nothing is wrong with them. Do you have any idea? THANKS Best Regards Thomas Dold2011-05-17 1:15 AM
Dear Tanio,
thank you for your fast reply. Yes all jumpersettings are correct. Finally the motor drives. But the regulation and the display of the RPM don't work. Thomas2011-05-17 1:15 AM
switching from sensorless to sensored mode, three jumpers (w14, w15, w16) must be configured in such a way the MCU is able to read the hall signals (not necessary in sensorless mode). Did you perform these settings? If not, please, refer to User Manual on page 94 for all other jumpers configuration. Regards, Tanio2011-05-17 1:15 AM
have you a scope for checking signal integrity from hall sensor outputs? that is, 3 signals phase shifted by 60 (or 120, I do not remember) degrees... Tanio2011-05-17 1:15 AM
Hi Tanio,
yes i've checked the signal of the halls. They are alright! Thomas2011-05-17 1:15 AM
Hi Thomas,
when sensors are used, it is important connecting the motor phases in the right order. With reference to figure 2.2 on page 23 of User Manual, please, verify the motor wires on connector 7 are connected in the right order as specified in the attached figure (C-red, A-yellow,B-black). Of course, these conditions apply with the preloaded firmware distributed with the kit. Hoping it works, Tanio