2021-05-16 02:25 AM
I just assembled my EDUKIT01 and getting my feet wet.
I downloaded all the available PDFs, files, etc. from https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/campaigns/educationalplatforms/motorcontrol-edu.html and also from the https://sites.google.com/view/ucla-st-motor-control/home but I am unsure about the overall status? The project seems to be somewhat abandoned as there has been no activity for several months it seems and Internet recherche showed the product somewhat emerged already in 2019?
I am very interested in the student material for that kit to learn the basics from scratch as I cannot really understand the topics covered in the instructor manual yet.
So far I had no luck in getting the MatLab/Octave files to work properly either :\
Can you tell me when to expect further information about that interesting product?