2016-10-25 11:05 AM
Hi All,
I want to make a BLDC motor driver board usingL6235N DIP
.I wired all the components on the breadboard as per schematic diagram and component list is given in ST Application Note AN1625 page no. 35-37.
I am using PWM from MCU to control the speed of the BLDC motor(Max Speed 3000RPM). Now motor is running and break, Direction, Tacho all these features are working fine but I have a little problem to control the speed .
generally, when I set the PWM duty Cycle 0% Motor should be stop but still motor is running arround 350RPM. PWM output is connected with Vref pin no. 13 of L6235N. I am unable to control the speed less than 350RPM but more than 350RPM Speed control is working fine. When I connect the PIN no. 13 (Vref) to 0V(Signal Ground) nothing changed motor still running at 350RPM but it should be stopped. I am using all the components as per given Application note AN1625.
I am unable to find out the problem. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Vijay K Yadav
#l6235n2024-04-30 9:27 AM
I have the same issue. Did you ever find a solution to this? I am connecting microcontroller PWM directly to the Vref pin. Are you adding any additional circuitry?