2018-09-18 4:19 AM
I am driving a 200 step per revolution motor. The position register per the data sheet conforms to the selected step mode so 1/16 micro stepping results in 3200 steps per revolution. I would expect that the max/min speed registers would conform to that as well so 200 steps/sec would result in a full revolution taking 16 seconds (ignoring acceleration and deceleration). That does not appear to be the behavior as 200 steps/sec takes roughly 1 second regardless of the step mode. I just want to confirm that this is the correct behavior.
2018-09-18 9:51 AM
Well don't I feel silly. Page 23 of the datasheet , section "Programmable Speed Profiles", clearly states "; the unit of measurement does not depend on selected step mode. " Question answered. That does kind of mess up some things as I would have liked to have more resolution when selecting speed and acceleration profiles as I am coordinating the movement of two motors in a two axis plotter. Perhaps I am thinking about the problem wrong and there is an easy implementation that I am missing that will do what I want.