2016-05-11 7:51 PM
We got a problem for L6472 chip when power on, the H-bridges is ON with default current output at 1.31A while the /STBY\RST=VDD and SW = 0V states. However, when the /STBY\RST=VDD and SW = VDD, the H-bridges keep at Hi-Z state without any current output.This 1.3A current causes 0.5A motor damage when at home position (SW=0V) when power up. Does the chip behaviour is normal? and any workaround to eliminate this?Thanks,Edward2019-01-27 9:47 AM
Dear Edward,
Have you found a solution to the problem? I am facing the same issue, and since my device will almost always power up with SW closed, the problem is serious. I would greatly appreciate you answer.
2019-01-27 10:22 AM
the simplest solution found on community pages - start setup with 'HardHiZ' command.
I put it here, just in case someone looks for power-on problems solutions.
Best regards,