2013-10-08 2:09 AM
Using L6470 I need to move to absolute position with the possibility to change speed during motion. I need the Soft Stop (or something similar) when reaching the target. Speed change during motion is possible using Run command but not using Move command (Move has the deceleration I need when reaching the target). I already tried 2 solutions but I don't like them both: 1) Using Run and checking continuously if the motor is approaching the target position to issue a Soft Stop at the appropriate time. This is tricky because speed changes often and the ''stop time'' varies accordingly. 2) Using Run + Hard Stop when reaching target pos: this is a mechanical stress to avoid. Is there any another possibility I'm missing? Thank you in advance Alessandro #absolute-position #speed #l64702013-10-14 6:24 AM
Dear Alessandro,
The solution 1) is the only one fitting your requirements (speed changes often). In this case the MCU must continuosly evaluate the number of steps reqired to stop according to the deceleration and the motor speed. Regards Enrico