2016-04-13 2:48 AM
I am using the eval board EVAL6226QR that has the dual full bridge driver L6226Q on it. I am using it to drive a 40kHz train of pulses from IN1A to OUT1A (and IN2A to OUT2A). To minimize current consumption, I am controlling the Vs pin (that has 32V on it) by a window that goes HIGH for 500 microseconds, and LOW for 30 milliseconds. After few tests (sometimes, that happens after few days of proper operation), the HBRIDGE breaks down ! (there are high current peaks detected on my voltage generator higher than 1Amp !) This is the fifth EVAL6226QR that breaks down now ! Feeding Vs with continuous voltage does not cause the hbridge to break down (but it consumes 120mA which is too high) I looked carefully into the datasheet of the eval board and that of the chip, and I found only frequency characteristics for IN pins only (Vs is supposed to have a constant voltage apparently) Does it mean that it is not meant to have its Vs pin fed with AC voltage ? Can anyone suggest a solution for this please ? PS : I don't want to feed this window signal to ENA pin because when LOW, outputs go high impedance and not low state #eval6226qr #h-bridge #l6226q