2020-09-14 11:31 AM
2020-09-23 10:02 AM
Hi @CLouw.1 , welcome to the ST Community !
The X_NULEO-IHM04A1 mounts the L6206 motor driver, which has two full bridges to drive two different motors.
Each full bridge can drive the current in the motor in both direction and the voltage of each OUT pin can be GND or Vs (the voltage supply).
Have a look at the L6206 datasheet.
According to the values of your Simulink array, you can set the value of each full bridge, and so the current in the motor.
By the way, which is the format of the array ? Is the array a sequence of “ones�? and “zeros�? representing the status of one output ?
Or is it a sequence of the duty cycle which must be applied to a square wave of the OUT pin ? Or maybe it represent something else: can you specify it ?
Anyway, whichever is the array format, I think a possible way to implement your request is:
Let me provide an example, maybe it can help:
Please let me know if this post helps or if you need further support.
2020-10-02 1:15 AM
Hi @CLouw.1 , was my answer useful ?
If so mark the answer as best, to increase its visibility for community members who could have the same issue.
Thanks and all the best !
2020-10-02 2:59 AM
I unfortunately did not use your solution, as I already came up with a different solution before your reply. So I cannot comment on the validity of the solution.
2020-10-02 3:33 AM
Thanks for your reply @CLouw.1 , good to know that the problem is solved and you get the desired result :thumbs_up:
Do you mind coming back and describing your solution for the problem?
This may help other users with the same issue and will be much appreciated by the community :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Thank You very much anyway and have a good day !