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How to Re-flash the STM32F103RB in STEVAL-SPIN3202 to default firmware

Associate II


While playing with STEVAL-SPIN3202 Board , I have mistakenly dump the motor program using External USB ST-LINK V2, while asked to remove protection I have selected yes.

Now connecting STEVAL-SPIN3202 board using USB PORT I am unable to detect the board.

how to detect Board again using built in USB interface, or Re-flash old firmware?

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

It is not clear what firmware you mean. STLink firmware running on STM32F103 or SPIN firmware. In the first case, either ask yout FAE what to do or search for the STLINK image floating on dubious sites on the net or perhaps flash the Black M*G*C firmware to replace the stlink.

There used to be an official JLink firmware available for ST-Link pods, on the Segger website.

Associate II

My current issue is that, STEVAL-SPIN3202 board is not identified by my PC. This start to happen after I mistakenly used external ST-LINK V2 for flash program.

Associate II

AT the first I successfully programmed STEVAL-SPIN3202 using its USB port but

then I mistakenly programmed it using External STLINK-V2 programmer

[ using SWDIO and SWCLK lines (connector J6) ] while asked to remove protection I have selected yes.

Now, I am trying to programmed STEVAL-SPIN3202 using its USB port but board is not identified by my PC

Where i did wrong ??

Associate II

find any solution for the old firmware how install and working on USB port?