2021-05-27 11:59 PM
Hay to everyone,
My name is Tony, live in Melbourne, Au.
I am fixing electronic boards for house appliance and often use ST products.
This time I need to replace a IC from ST with writing : eZPY025, I think is a 100KHz PWM controler. Can't find anywhere Data sheat for it or source to bay.
Hopping someone on Forum can help, thanks Tony.
2021-05-28 12:14 AM
Attach clear picture of device in circuit.
2021-05-28 1:14 AM
Hi Tesla, thanks for fast replay, hope the pics will help, regards Tony.
2021-05-28 2:13 AM
That seems to be a LM339 Komparator.
2021-05-28 2:25 AM
Thanks Uwe, I will download Data sheat and compare.