2009-09-25 11:14 AM
calculating acceleration ramp table
2011-05-17 1:16 AM
we are using the ST7FMC micro in our application and all the sample code is generated using the GUI however in our app we will need to be able to update the Acceleration ramp can someone point me to an app note or give me information on the equation used to calculate the ramp within the GUI so we can do the same in our app. Thanks In advance2011-05-17 1:16 AM
Hi Paul, if I remeber well, the speed ramp has first been evaluated in Excel, but I am not sure whether this is still available.
In forced mode during start-up only commutation event delay and the timer prescaler have been updated, you can easily calculate the speed from these two parameters (or vice-versa, calculate the tim prescaler and commutation delay from required speed -or step time-)