2014-06-12 3:26 AM
I? recently? doing the FOC control program based on the stm32 .
single shunt resistor.
Return false after first EOC, return true after second EOC
'' in the introduction of functions aboutu8 SVPWMEOCEvent(void) .However?When the ADC sampling end for the first time
??When the ADC sampling for the second time??function prototype?
* Function Name : SVPWMEOCEvent
* Description : Routine to be performed inside the end of conversion ISR
store the first sampled value and compute the bus voltage and temperature
sensor sampling and disable the ext. adc triggering.
* Input : None
* Output : Return false after first EOC, return true after second EOC
* Return : None
u8 SVPWMEOCEvent(void)
if (bDistEnab == 1)
// Diabling the Injectec conversion for ADC1
// Store the Bus Voltage and temperature sampled values
h_ADCTemp = ADC_GetInjectedConversionValue(ADC2,ADC_InjectedChannel_1);
h_ADCBusvolt = ADC_GetInjectedConversionValue(ADC2,ADC_InjectedChannel_2);
return ((u8)(1));