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External EEPROM not working

I have a 24FC01, 1 Kbit EEPROM on my board. The SDA and SCL lines are pulled up to 3.3V through two 2K resistors. I'm using a STM32F407 MCU to read and write data to the EEPROM. Using the HAL libraries, I'm trying to check if the device is ready usin...

Resolved! To read and write EEPROM IC 24c16

Is it possible to set I2C SCL and SDA pins to high and low in stm32 to read and write the EEPROM IC. If it is possible plz help me how to do that and how to generate the function to read and write the EEPROM 24c16 IC in stm32.Plz help me.Thank you

MS.11 by Associate III
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Build TrueStudio project from command line

Dear,I am not sure If I am in the right category, but Is there any way how to build TrueStudio Project from command line? Yes the TrueStudio can be launched, but the compile command has to be send from command line.Thank you for any help.Best regard...

JJRR by Senior
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