2004-12-08 8:52 PM
2004-12-06 3:20 AM
Dear All,
I face with a strange thing. Starting in order: I'm using a STR710 Eval Board with ''ARM RealView Developer Kit for ST v1.0''. Now, by using the RTC and by debugging it, I found a strange behavior: 1) I made this structure: typedef volatile struct { u16 CRH; u16 EMPTY1; u16 CRL; u16 EMPTY2; u16 PRLH; u16 EMPTY3; u16 PRLL; u16 EMPTY4; u16 DIVH; u16 EMPTY5; u16 DIVL; u16 EMPTY6; u16 CNTH; u16 EMPTY7; u16 CNTL; u16 EMPTY8; u16 ALRH; u16 EMPTY9; u16 ALRL; } RTC_TypeDef; #define RTC_BASE 0xE000D000 #define pRTC ((RTC_TypeDef *)RTC_BASE) 2) I tried to read CRL and I receive a value that is different from that showed in Register Pane. 3) With different trials, I discovered that this register pane is linked with ''Connection Properties'' and in particular with BCD files. And this one contain a series of error: ... }:Peripherals.RTC={ base=M_RTC:description=''Real Time Clock'':Register.RTC_CRH={ start=0xE000C000:length=4:gui_name=''Data'':bit_fields.SEN={... This means that it shows value at E000C000 and not at E000D000. Final) And now, I ask you, are there other things to consider? EIC, WatchDog appear also shifted by 4K. Thank a lot!2004-12-07 6:49 PM
Hey Genius,
I also faced this problem. The register locations for the UARTs are also wrong in the BCD-files. The only thing you can do is to change these entries by hand. Marcus