2007-07-04 9:06 PM
2007-07-02 12:04 AM
Hello All and Gigi,
May you help me to solve problem with WD, detailed descibed below? Thank you, Alexander, jermakov#taide.lt ================================================================= Bug report Header: WWDG failed refreshing Input data: HW: AK_ST7FMC Starter Kit (based on ST7FMC2N6) SW: BLDC_3PH_SR_2.0 How to observe: - found and uncomment in the module main.c the following lines: // while ( !WWD_Init() ); … // if (Chk_Timer_WDG_Elapsed() == TRUE) WWD_Refresh(); - check in MCU option bytes the setting: WDG activation: by SW - recompile the application and run it; - found RESET is generating every 128 ms. Description: The WD main procedures are here: #define WDG_TIMEOUT 80 Void WWD_Init(void) { WWDGCR = WDGA + 0x7F; // Starts the Window watchdog and load it to its max value WWDGWR = 0x5B; // Refresh window is between 72 and 128ms (100ms+/-28ms) Timer_WDG = WDG_TIMEOUT; return(TRUE); } void WWD_Refresh(void) { WWDGCR = WDGA + 0x7F; // Reload Window watchdog with max value Timer_WDG = WDG_TIMEOUT; } And WD refreshing is done within main program loop and controlled by Timer_WDG: if (Chk_Timer_WDG_Elapsed() == TRUE) WWD_Refresh(); Timer_WDG is completely working, as all other program timers andit was checked separately. While WD disabled, Timer_WDG is going, but since WD enabled, there no WD refresh is acting, and seems the timer to be stopped. I have tried to variate WDG _TIMEOUT, WWDGWR and WWDGCR setting, but I have not got refreshing at any case. Question: How to adjust WD and timer setting in order to get correct refreshing? ==================================================================2007-07-02 10:29 PM
Hi Alexander,
first additional questions: - what do you do with Chk_Timer_WDG_Elapsed() ? - how do you define WDGA ? - what does your compiler with a return value in a void function - void WWD_Init(void) - ? Finally an idea: If you call WWD_Init() cyclically, you'll get a forced reset because of: see chapter 10.1 WINDOW WATCHDOG (WWDG)- 10.1.3 Functional Description
... If the software reloads the counter
while the counter is greater than the value stored
in the window register, then a reset is generated.Regards, WoRo
2007-07-04 8:28 AM
Hello WoRo,
Thank you for the quick replay. >- what do you do with Chk_Timer_WDG_Elapsed() ? Nothing special. This function is very easy : BOOL Chk_Timer_WDG_Elapsed(void) { if (Timer_WDG == 0) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); } ?- how do you define WDGA ? This bit is defined in the module ST7MC_hr.h like: #define WDGA ((u8)0x80) >- what does your compiler with a return value in a void function - void WWD_Init(void) - ? Hmm, I am very sorry. This is just stupid mistake. Sure, in the source BLDC_3PH_SR_2.0 this function is declared as BOOL : Void WWD_Init(void) { WWDGCR = WDGA + 0x7F; // Starts the Window watchdog and load it to its max value WWDGWR = 0x5B; // Refresh window is between 72 and 128ms (100ms+/-28ms) Timer_WDG = WDG_TIMEOUT; return(TRUE); } >Finally an idea: If you call WWD_Init() cyclically, you'll get a forced reset because of: Yes, you are right! At this case I would get very fast resetting with no delay. But in fact I have got periodical reset each 128ms, so while free-running WD counter gets overloaded. If I do direct WD refreshing within main program loop (without checking of the Chk_Timer_WDG_Elapsed), then I got forced reset every 10 ms (because main loop is fast and WD refreshing goes before window timeout). But once the Chk_Timer_WDG_Elapsed was taken in adeal, than I got no WD refreshing and caused 128ms period resetting. My problem is that like Timer B interrupts stops working, once WD activated. Is there any influence of WD to the timer B interrupts? Regards, Alexander.2007-07-04 9:06 PM
Hi Alexander,
please give me more information about how you handle the Timer_WDG and where you take the clock for this timer. I suppose the cause of your problem in mismatching of Timer_WDG. Best regards WoRo