2005-11-18 4:17 AM
2005-11-17 9:05 PM
I'm trying to use UART1 as half-duplex. It looks ok, but I'm receiving back the last 3 chars everytime i try to send something.
any clue? GPIO_Config(GPIO0, SMARTCARD_DATAIN_OUT, GPIO_AF_PP); UART_OnOffConfig(UART1, ENABLE); // Turn UARTX on UART_FifoConfig (UART1, DISABLE); // Disable FIFOs UART_FifoReset(UART1, UART_RxFIFO); // Reset the UART_RxFIFO UART_FifoReset(UART1, UART_TxFIFO); // Reset the UART_TxFIFO UART_LoopBackConfig(UART1, DISABLE); // Disable Loop Back // Configure the UARTX as following: - Baudrate = 9600 Bps Odd parity 8 data bits + 1 byte Parity 1.5 stop bit UART_Config(UART1, 9600, UART_EVEN_PARITY, UART_1_5_StopBits, UARTM_8D_P); UART_RxConfig(UART1, ENABLE); //Enable Rx UART_ItConfig(UART1, UART_RxBufFull, ENABLE); EIC_IRQChannelPriorityConfig(UART1_IRQChannel, 2);// Configure the EIC channel interrupt EIC_IRQChannelConfig(UART1_IRQChannel, ENABLE);// Enable UART1 IRQ Interrupts2005-11-17 11:46 PM
I just want to use one pin (p0.10). Why should I need to configure p0.11, too?
2005-11-18 4:17 AM
also still not working, too.