2005-06-07 2:24 AM
2005-06-01 10:56 PM
2005-06-02 3:28 PM
I think that you should disable the UART0''s recieve ( UART_RxConfig(UART0, DISABLE); ) before you send data using UART0, after sending data you enabel recieve.
Try it.2005-06-02 8:42 PM
Hello Ongth,
First thing, the following line in your posted code is wrong for 115k: UART_Config(UART0,9600,UART_NO_PARITY,UART_1_StopBits,UARTM_8D); I guess that´s just a mistake while posting. The other thing is, which hardware do you use? The STR710-EVAL or own design? On the STR710-EVAL the main oscillator is 16MHz, so you can´t generate a baudrate of 115k without an frequency error of about 15% or something, so the UART of the ARM won´t regognize any start- or stop bits. Try using 14.7456MHz instead as main oscillator. Thereofre have to change the following line in rccu.h then: #define RCCU_Main_Osc 16000000 to #define RCCU_Main_Osc 14745600 Regards, Marcus2005-06-02 9:27 PM
Hi all,
Thank to all for yours investigation, ongth60, You have just to change the following line in your posted code UART_Config(UART0,115200,UART_NO_PARITY,UART_1_StopBits,UARTM_8D); And ensure that you Configure the UART0 as following: - Baudrate = 115200Bps - No parity - 8 data bits - 1 stop bit - No flow control And your program will work perfectly on the demo board using an external 16MHz oscillator. I hope that this can help you With best regards, Hich :p2005-06-05 10:09 PM
Thanks all for trying. Actually the above program can be used for 9600bps as well as 115200bps by changing the baudrate in the following function: (UART0,115200,UART_NO_PARITY,UART_1_StopBits,UARTM_8D); or (UART0,9600,UART_NO_PARITY,UART_1_StopBits,UARTM_8D); The problem that I'm facing is that I can transmit my ''Hello World'' in the hyperterminal but I cant echo back the characters that I typed in the hyperterminal. From the program, it is suppose to interrupt at UART0 interrupt routine, read the characters typed and transmit the characters to the hyperterminal. Also, I can detect the ascii character signals typed in the hyperterminal at the RS-232 chip. So, I would like all to verify if the program can receive the characters type at the hyperterminal to the CPU and CPU transmit them back to the hyperterminal. Then, I will be able to know if the eval board is working or not. Thanks for all the advice. Rgrds.2005-06-05 11:25 PM
Hi ongth60,
I try the example and it work perfecly on my eval board (MB393) I can send you a complete project files if you need it. Best regards, Hich :p :-]2005-06-07 1:34 AM
Pls send me the complete project for 115200bps. I will surely need it. Thanks.
Rgrds.2005-06-07 2:20 AM
Hi ongth60,
Attached you find the asked project, I hope that this can help you. with best regards, Hich ;) ________________ Attachments : STR71xUART0.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I1Ie&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bm4%2F7Zbpg78KB0soM46rLWoqcS.NPvRxuS2rtx8YnqQekVM&asPdf=false2005-06-07 2:24 AM
the previous project is performed on MB393 demo board. Cheers, Hich :o