2006-01-25 11:22 PM
2006-01-22 7:17 PM
Currently I using the ST72334N4 and I face a problem related to SCI. I wish to connect the ST72334N4 to PC (Visual Basic) via Uart and the baud rate is 19200, no parity, 8 bit data, 1 start and 1 stop bit. Below is the setting for St72334 I used. The ST72334 Fosc is 8MHz and using SCI receive interrupt. SCICR1=0x00; SCICR2=0x00; SCIBRR=0x00; SCIERPR=26; SCIETPR=26; //set as SCI receive, interrupt enable PEDR &= 0xEF; PEDR|=0x03; SCICR2 = 0x24; On the PC side, I am using Visual Basic MSCOMM control and set the property as ''19200,N,8,1''. I sent a byte of data from PC to ST72334 using MSCOMM1.OUTPUT=chr(x). x is a value from 0-255. I notice that for x=0-128, St72334 can receive the byte correctly. For x=129-255, ST72334 receive the byte wrongly, always receive ''0''. May I know why this happen and how do I solve this problem? Please help ASAP coz I am now stuck and cannot continue the development. Thanks. regards, St72334 user. :(2006-01-25 11:22 PM
did you still record the transferred data signals with an oscilloscope? Are they correct? Of my experience I may not beleave, that the µC doesn't work correctly in your configuration. But: What sense does it make to clear port PE4 and to set PE0 (TD0) and PE1 (RDI)???? btw.: You can fix exactly the same baudrate using the prescaler of the Baud Rate Register (BRR) SCP=13 and SCT = SCR = 2. Regards WoRo