2009-01-19 5:55 AM
ST10F276 - Stops running after 3 sec on power up, but OK when reset ?
2008-12-12 4:17 AM
I have designed my own board for the ST10F276 and written my own software using Tasking.
However, I have a strange problem when first powering up the board. The micro runs fine for about 3 seconds, but then it stops running and just halts. With power still applied, if I press the reset button on my board the program restarts and continues to run without any further problems. The program only halts when first applying power to the board. I have attached the schematic for my ST10 board, showing the reset and RPD pins etc (see attached stpdf). I have attached a scope trace which was taken during power up of the board (see attached 5v-rst-rpd.jpg). The trace shows the 5V supply, the reset signal and the RPD signal. And below is some simple code I wrote to flash an LED every 100ms. Like all my other programs, this program halts after 3 seconds when the board is powered up. But then works fine when the reset button is pressed. /****************************************************/ #include ''regf276e.h'' #define Set_Priority_02(reg) (reg |= 0x08) sfrbit LED0 _atbit(P1L,0); sfrbit LED1 _atbit(P1L,1); void main(void) { DP1L = 0x01; // P1L.0 is an output LED0 = 1 ; // Turn LED 0 on T2CON = 0x0027 ; // T2 is used in reload mode T3CON = 0x0005 ; T3UD = 0 ; T2 = 49910 ; T3 = 49910 ; Set_Priority_02(T3IC) ; T3IE = 1 ; T3R = 1 ; IEN = 1 ; while(1) { ; } // Just hang around.. } _interrupt( 0x23 ) void T3_overflow( void ) { LED0 ^= 1 ; } /****************************************************/ [ This message was edited by: john.lintern on 12-12-2008 17:50 ] [ This message was edited by: john.lintern on 12-12-2008 17:51 ] [ This message was edited by: john.lintern on 12-12-2008 17:52 ] [ This message was edited by: john.lintern on 12-12-2008 17:54 ] ________________ Attachments : 5v-rst-rpd.jpg : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0Gq&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bXc%2FBPr6YT6tfVNJ1FEKXwFKcFFfB2kGFkuBjuHkzTHuiCU&asPdf=falsest10.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0EB&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bXe%2Fkm7rYv_WXhQ1SXNy9MdhxxNEUVDAO0ZfTSfpGh8edec&asPdf=false2009-01-06 12:08 AM
I have resolved this problem - it was a hardware design fault.
The NMI input to the micro was floating so after a few seconds some noise must have appeared on this input. I have now pulled the NMI input up to +5V (via a 10k resistor) and it works fine. Strange how the problem only occured on power up and not on reset ? Anyway, problem solved :)2009-01-14 5:09 PM
How did you work with the internal flash memory? I'm searching the solution, just now have no luck :)
http://www.st.com/mcu/forums-cat-7833-5.html2009-01-15 4:46 AM
im a bit of an amature at all this
ive had a look but cant really see anything obvious have you looked at my circuit diagram attached in this post ? it looks like an automotive ecu in your picture ? is there a chance this could be protected in some way so that you cant read the code ?2009-01-19 5:55 AM
So what answer did you get from the mcu? I have the same answer from the both, so monitor won't be active... maybe just to try another transfer protocol?...